In 1942, as World War II invaded Alaska, Aleut
Americans were taken from their homes and removed to abysmal
government camps 1,500 miles away. Death was ever-present in the camps.
An estimated 10 percent of the men, women and children sent to the camps
would die there—a death rate comparable to that suffered by Americans in
foreign prisoner of war camps. As the Aleuts prayed for deliverance,
"friendly forces" looted their homes and churches in the Aleutian and
Pribilof islands.
Those who survived would fight for their rights—in the nation's courts and on Capitol Hill. In a historic action—one that continues to influence our lives and our nation's ideals—Aleuts joined Japanese Americans in seeking wartime reparations from the federal government. Aleut Americans ultimately
prevailed. (From the official Aleut Story Web Site)
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